We support Black Lives Matter

Always have. Always will. 

We stand in solidarity with the protesters, and against our country’s long history of subjugating black and brown bodies and law enforcement’s role in maintaining and defending white supremacy.

We talk about inequality almost as much as we talk about food. We’ve had our own critics on our podcast to discuss race and identity because growth comes through effort. We have long understood that we have a position to lift up voices different than our own and we have felt a responsibility to do that for many years. 

That being said, immediately after the murder of George Floyd we didn’t think it’d be an appropriate time to post any statement about our positions when so many voices of color needed to be heard. But we recognize that we have a platform and should utilize it in this moment however we can to effect change.

If our support for the protesters bothers you then please fuck all the way off. If you don’t see any problem with what’s happening, unfollow us. We don’t want your support.

We’re only a two person company but we wanted to share our commitments and values if you’re new here: 

  • We’ll continue to promote voices and experiences other than our own. We will elevate and support black and brown creators, cooks, and businesses. 

  • We’ll continue to fight for economic justice for everyone struggling to make a life under the profoundly discriminatory economic system in our country.

  • We’re continuing to mask up and march. Until white Americans take responsibility for their role in this, ourselves included, change will never come. In everything we do and everywhere we go, we promise to be part of the solution. 

We’re foul-mouthed, scrappy, passionately pissed off people and we didn’t see that anywhere in food. So when we created Thug Kitchen in 2012, the tone and brand came authentically to us, including our use of the word “thug” in the title. Unfortunately, in the following years the original intention implied in our name has been twisted, particularly by our president, who has repeatedly used the word “thug” in a weaponized and racist way. We’re taking time to reflect on how we can best move forward to have our brand name better reflect our values.

We’re here to listen, amplify, protest, and support however we can. Black lives matter. Stay safe y’all.

For more information on how you can help and donate please visit:

Black Lives Matter


Act Blue